Jun 27, 2006

Done watched 'em git hitched

Last Saturday we attended a wedding in Chicago, for which I had the pleasure of being a best man. It was great fun all around, getting to see John and Karen and their friends again, running into some old Kansas State cronies, and meeting a few new cool people, like Frank. There was also some tasty food and beverage action. (thanks, parents of the bride and groom!)

We drove, which made for very long days on Thursday and Sunday, but it also meant Kona could go along. She was happy about that - a bigger apartment to romp around in, and lots of grass outside. But after 13 hours in the car Sunday, we were all glad to be back home in Nueva York.

Welcome to the married kids club, J&K!

**Oh, and I was an idiot and forgot our camera on Saturday, so I can't even post a photo to show how great everyone looked.


At 7/04/2006 12:07 AM, Blogger John Hill said...

Thanks so much for coming and bringing ol' Kona! It's always great to see the three of you, especially on that occasion. We would have loved to spend more time just hanging out but that will have to wait until our next trip to NYC...hopefully sooner than later ;)


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